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Total Record(s) Found: 10
Search this Green-Wood Cemetery located in Brooklyn, State of New York) for cemetery burials by name or by name and burial date.
Search RootsWeb's database of Columbia County, State of New York cemetery records by name to view information including name, birth & death dates, cemetery, county and state.
Search RootsWeb's database of Hempstead County, State of New York cemetery records by name to view information including name, birth & death dates, cemetery, county and state.
Browse the North Watertown, State of New York cemetery records by name for inscriptions and dates of birth and death.
Search this RootsWeb database for Rensselaer County, State of New York cemetery inscriptions by name and/or location.
Search RootsWeb's database of Rockland County, State of New York cemetery records by name to view information including name, birth & death dates, cemetery, county and state.
Search this RootsWeb database of State of Wyoming County, State of New York cemetery records by name to view information including name, birth & death dates, cemetery, county and state.
Search this RootsWeb database of Tioga County, State of New York cemetery records by name to view information including name, birth & death dates, cemetery, county and state.
Search RootsWeb's database of Ulster County, State of New York cemetery records by name to view information including name, birth & death dates, cemetery, county and state.
Browse this Westchester, State of New York County Archives database by name for Veteran Cemetery Records in Westchester County for the period 1935 though 1939.